The folks at Fox are doing something interesting for their upcoming Hayden Panettiere – who many know as the Cheerleader on Heroes, movie I Love You Beth Cooper. They are asking people to go to ILoveYouBethCooper.com and post a Video of a special message they’ve always wanted to express – to a friend, parent, love interest… anyone. Selected videos will be featured in television spots for I LOVE YOU, BETH COOPER. Hayden launches the campaign on www.iloveyoubethcooper.com on May 20 with a series of sample “moment of truth” videos that will be promoted on MySpace, Facebook and YouTube. The site also includes a Twitter tool that allows users to tweet their secret confessions anonymously or via their personal Twitter accounts. I LOVE YOU, BETH COOPER opens in theaters everywhere July 10. Directed by Chris Columbus (“Home Alone,” “Mrs. Doubtfire,” “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”), the film is based on the popular 2007 novel of the same name by Larry Doyle of The Simpsons and Beavis and Butthead fame.