Eclipse Magazine presents GeekScholars Movie News Podcast Episode 039: Preview Reviews for: The Campagin, Argo, and Gangster Squad! Review of Dark Shadows!

GeekScholars Movie NewsThis week on GeekScholars Movie News, presented by Eclipse Magazine, we dive into a whole slew of preview reviews as we look at a trio of films gearing up for release later this year: The Campaign, a political comedy starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifinikas, Argo, a historical thriller about the Iran hostage crisis of 1979, and Gangster Squad, a cop/mob actioneer set in 1960s Los Angeles starring Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, and Sean Penn.

From there, even though the GeekScholars wanted to go see The Avengers for a 2nd, and in some cases, 3rd time, GeekScholars Jill and Fox headed to the theaters to give the gothic soap opera adaptation, Dark Shadows, a quick peek, so listen in to hear what they had to say about it. After that we have some quickies including news about James Cameron,PrometheusRed 2, and Kick-Ass 2.


Dive into the listening goodness right here by pushing PLAY:

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Thanks, as always, to the 440 Alliance for allowing us to use their music!

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