Hey Everyone,
I’m back from my mini-vacation to Fla (save me, I bought a Timeshare) and am now trapped in my house because of the “blizzard.” I’m a little upset, I was thinking about extending my stay (I’m not going to go into how much I love the weather, but hate Orlando) for a few days but all the weather people said it was going to storm all day yesterday and I really wanted to catch one of the Watchmen screenings today. Not only did it not storm in Fla yesterday (unless you count the 10 or 15 minutes it did rain), but now I’m trapped in my house for the next few days because of the 8 inches of snow in my driveway. So I can’t even see Watchmen until Friday. This kind of stuff only happens to me. But anyhoo, enough of my complaining. Today’s the end of the DVD Grab Bag contest. Send your UserID, Full Contact information to Co*****@ec*************.com with “DVD Grab Bag” in the subject line by 5pm EST. If you don’t win this time, don’t worry, I’m going to put together another Grab Bag to launch next week. Maybe even a Blu-ray grab bag.
Sheesh is there any other news in the world besides the snow? These stations really know how to beat a story into the ground! I get it, there’s snow, everything’s closed. I don’t need 5 hours of the same freaking story repeated over and over again.
i’m glad today is finally here for the grab bag.
i’ve been waiting sooooo long for the Watchmen screening for tonite, and now with all of the snow, i’m wondering if it’ll still be shown. i’m snowed in where i live, and can’t get out anyway. all of my transportation has shut down here. if tonite’s Watchmen screening is cancelled, will they reschedule it for those of us who already have passes? don’t know how these things work since this is the first time weather is a factor.
i sure wouldn’t mind being in Orlando right about now.
Watchmen Screening is still on tonight, I’m snowed in with everyone else.
But at least tonight is a great TV Night, 24, Chuck, Heroes (well, ok, not Heroes)
just got my power back last night from after effects of the snow. Very disappointed I didn’t come into work to write in about this, but congrats to the winner!