“The Ice Harvest” is a tedious crime drama which takes place on an icy Christmas eve in Kansas. Six people meet death because of $2 million. A dreary, bloody, and uninvolving 90 minutes. GRADE = “C”
Category: Announcements
Harry Potter Goblet of Fire
So what did you think? Me personally? I think it was ruined because I heard way too much hype about this 4th release from the book series. Btw, much Thanks to Eclipse with hooking us up with the tickets. I was one of those people that was there at 4:00pm when the showing starts at […]
Scooby-Doo Heads To Egypt For Thanksgiving Day
I’m King Kong! – Merian C. Cooper Would Have Kicked Indiana Jones’ Ass!
Threshold Tries Tuesdays: Kicks Off New Night With Insidious Alien Plot!
NBC Resurrects Rod Serling As Medium Takes A Bold Step Into 3-D!
Snow Wonder: It’s A Twisted Christmas Treat From A Short Story By Award-Winning Author Connie Willis
“Hitch” tells the story of a man who is the ‘fixer upper’ expert for hapless males. This pleasant and predictable romantic comedy will be far more enjoyable if you have not seen the trailers. GRADE = “B-”
Iconoclasts: The Sundance Channel’s Six-Part Series Looks At Innovators From All Walks Of Life…
Iconoclast: one who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.
“The Bee Season”
“The Bee Season” is a dysfunctional movie about a dysfunctional family. The actors do the best they can with a muddled screenplay. ‘Bee’ = spelling and the young daughter has a very peculiar way of coming up with the correct spelling of words. Her older brother is now no longer the father’s favorite and rebels […]
I Walk The Line – A Night For Johnny Cash: A Tribute That Works – Mostly…