Michelle Kind of Hates Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows


Sherlock Holmes is an example of why I don’t review movies on a regular basis any longer. I mean really how much can I really say about a movie that I kind of hated? Well, hate is a strong word.  Hate implies that I care enough about this film to go into a passionate rant about everything that’s wrong with it.  Somehow, I just can’t work myself up into a hizzyfit over this. I did not like the last one and this installment is essentially the same movie only louder and slightly more obnoxious.

The problem with Holmes, I’m sad to say, is Robert Downey, Jr.  I normally love him in everything he does, but his Holmes is someone who is so unlikeable that I barely want to spend two minutes with him that alone a full two hours.  I get what Downey is trying to do, he wants his Holmes to be a “modern day” or at least a turn of the century version of Captain Jack Sparrow (another movie character I loathe.)  Every movement and beat just screams pale Johnny Depp wannabe and Downey is a much better actor than this.

Holmes treatment of everyone around him, especially his best friend Dr. John Watson (Jude Law) isn’t as funny, eccentric or cute as all involved seemed to think it is. It’s just mean and obnoxious.

Beyond the fact that Holmes isn’t a likable bloke, the movie isn’t served well by Michele Mulroney, and Kieran Mulroney convoluted plot. I never understood why people were doing the things they were doing and Professor James Moriarty (Jared Harris) motivations for wanting to start a World War was never explained – beyond simply, I guess he just wanted to make money off it?  But then, he was already very wealthy and powerful, so that simple explanation doesn’t make much sense.  Maybe if he had some ideological reason for doing it, would have made it more interesting than, “because he could.”  There’s a moment towards the end where Moriarty implies someone betrayed Holmes, but it’s never followed up on.

Harris feels completely wrong for the part of Moriarty and his portrayal had absolutely no charisma to it. He sucks what little life there is in this film out every time he’s there.

I don’t like Director Guy Ritchie. He’s overly stylized and has to “insert” himself in almost every scene by using weird gimmicks. Every fight includes a pre-slow motion visualization of the fight before it happens. Yes, I realize he’s showing us Holmes’ thought process and it’s really cool and neat the first time he does it, but by the 3rd time it just gets irritating.

Beyond the fights all the major action sequences had to include an explanation of how Holmes knew when things (explosions, guns backfiring, etc.) would happen. I get it, he plans every move and possibility before he strikes, as a movie goer I don’t need to see every fight or action scene twice – especially since they are so obnoxiously staged.

Ritchie just doesn’t know how to direct action. Everything is hyper-stylized. There’s a sequence in the 3rd act where they are being chased by the army and he uses every directorial gimmick (slow motion, freeze frames, CGI, extreme close-ups) you can think of. It gets obnoxious. Just park the camera and let us see what’s going on. Stop with all the multiple cuts and scene shifts.

The other problem I have with this world is, it’s just drab and kind of ugly to look at. Philippe Rousselot dark visuals do not add anything to the movie.  Despite all of Ritchie’s box of tricks, the movie still commits the ultimate “sin” being forgettable.

Finally Grade D


  1. Check out the British TV series “Sherlock” for a fantastic, sharp and witty modern version of Holmes and Watson in 21st century London. It’s everything an update ought to be.

    1. Love the BBC version.

  2. BBC version is so much better. This is a waste if you consider it to be a Sherlock Holmes movie. If you go past the name and the character, it’s just a plain action movie. Just don’t expect any “deduction”. MI4 better and more tolerable compared to this.

  3. Disregard this lazy and prejudiced review. It’s actually an excellent film, really enjoyable with amazing action scenes, and Harris is terrific as Moriarty. I and several others who saw it at the weekend all loved it. Pity the ultra boring Hugo wasn’t reviewed so acurately.

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