Death to Smoochy

This is a funny flick Robin Williams plays the villain and he is very good at this role his attempts at making smoochy look bad always back fires. The purple dinosaur in this movie is smoochy. Smoochy is an off the wall person played by Edward. Edward eats soy dogs, drinks and eats anything organic and is interested in teaching kids values. The other characters are only interested in making money hence the reason to kill Smoochy.

Please do not be fooled into thinking that you should bring your kids to see this movie it is not a kid’s flick. Five minutes into the movie Robin Williams is using obscenities. Robin gives a wonderful and convincing performance and I truly enjoyed this movie there were lots of funny moments in this movie. Do not take my word it after all I am only a moviegoer not a critic. A+

[ Edited by gillian_thomas on 2002/3/27 10:47:14 ]

Updated: May 29, 2002 — 1:28 am