Your Opinion on the Palestinian vs. Israeli Conflict

This post was previously deleted by Malexandria. She has said that it is okay to re-post the thread so here I am. Don’t make any derogatory comments about one side or the other, or the thread may be deleted. Please keep an open mind and listen to eachother’s ideas…

For weeks I have wondered about the Palestinian vs. Israeli conflict in Israel. As a Jew, I feel that I should support Israel and anything they do, yet I feel they have gone overboard lately. When Israel was created as an Independent state on April 16 1948, they built on land that was owned by the Palestinians. They proceeded to treat the Palestinians poorly. The Palestinian response has been a bad one. Instead of targeting the military, they attack Israeli citizens with suicide bombers to make their point. Recently Israel has invaded Palestinian towns and camps and bulldozed everything in sight. Homes have been razed, families in those homes killed, men are all taken away for questioning and the Israelis won’t allow foreign aid into Palestinian areas. The question is, how do you feel about this?

If I was a Palestinian child and my home is bulldozed, I know I would want to kill Israelis. On the other hand, If I was Israeli and my neighbor was killed by a bomb, then I would want to kill Palestinians. That is why the conflict is so confusing. Israel won’t grant Palestinians a true state of their own, but if they did and they had an army, they would probably just attack Israelis anyways. There is a stereotype that all Palestinians are terrorists. THIS IS NOT TRUE.

There are Palestinian doctors, Palestinian lawyers and families just like ours. Their homes are destroyed and they can’t even get into Israel to work. I feel that Israel should withdraw from the West Bank and again offer the Palestinians a state of their own. Arafat hasn’t been helping at all which is also very annoying. What do you think they should do? How do you feel about the situation?


Updated: April 19, 2002 — 1:53 am