To Have and To Hold Chapters 11 – 12

Chapter 11

Henry sat on the edge of the bed. How he had gotten up to his sleeping chamber without anyone seeing all that mud. He had been lucky to arrive undetected as well. His had already handed his suit over to the royal laundry. Now all he had to do was wait.

His tutor should have been here by now, but he had not come. His father would be coming up the stairs any minute now. He would have to put the journal away before anyone even saw him with it.

He hadn’t read it yet. He had just finished changing his clothes when the announcement came that his father was coming to see him. So Henry threw on a new jacket and some breeches.

Father will never know the difference, Henry thought. He smiled and changed his outfit, leaving the big journal on the bed, unguarded.

He sat down on the bed and picked it up from the spot where it lay. He was to see Danielle again later on at the ruins to look at the book together. Earlier that day at the mud hole they had uncovered two other things, one much too big and bulky to take it with them. In fact, it was still in the hole, too difficult to grab and pull. But the two other artifacts, a bound copy of Plato’s works and small wooden chest were hidden under his bed. He would bring them tomorrow and go over all of these surprises with her.

Now he was concentrating hard on the journal. He hadn’t recognized the handwriting as he opened the front cover to look. Some of the writing was faded and some non-existing. The pages were filthy from being in the hole for so long. He had closed the book when he heard footsteps making their way up the turret staircase, which lead to his room. The journal was cast aside and forgotten for the moment.

Now that everything had quieted down, Henry grabbed for the journal, hoping for a chance to look at it. He was about to open it when someone knocked on his door with the announcement that his would be arriving momentarily.

It was now half an hour later and still no sign of his father. He pulled the book out once again from its hiding place and turned the page.

He didn’t get too far when his father burst in on him.

He had just enough time to shove the book under his pillow.

“We have to talk, Henry. We need to make some plans and give you some responsibilities.”

Henry sighed. It was going to be long night. He just hoped that he could sneak out and meet Danielle at the time they had made up.

Chapter 12

Henry turned the journal over and over in his hand before he picked it up and began to read again.

Where was she? Henry wondered. She is late as usual. He hoped that she could just crawl out her window, she had done that many times in the past.

“Henry,” he heard Danielle’s voice and looked up. He smiled and stood up to meet her.

“You said it was urgent,” Danielle whispered. “I almost didn’t make it here this time.”

Henry smiled. “You say the same thing everytime we meet.”

Danielle ignored the comment and gestured to the journal. “Did you get a chance to read it?”

Henry shook his head. “Unfortunately no, Danielle. My father was giving me his usual nightly lecture about how I will be King someday..”

“And how you need to grow up and accept more responsibility,” Danielle finished. “Yes, Henry, you mentioned this last night and the night before.”

Henry nodded. “You noticed then.”

“It’s hard not to.” Danielle frowned. “My father will probably stop me from sneaking out one of these nights.”

Henry’s eyes widened. “You mean he knows you sneak out her to be with me.”

Danielle nodded. “Yes, he’s always known as I am sure your father has. That’s probably why you get your nightly lecture.”

Henry turned red. She knows me all too well, Henry thought as he looked at her.

“Well,” he said, feeling the hotness in the cheeks fade. “Seems we had to hire a new tutor.”

Danielle smiled. “Another one? What do you do to them, Henry?” she asked, jokingly.

Henry shook his head. “Don’t know with this one. Maybe he’s just had enough of me.” He looked at her. “But a new one is on the way from England. His name is Hector and he’s supposed to be marvelous.“

“I suppose we won’t have a lot of time for each other anymore. My tutor will be arriving tomorrow instead.”

Henry nodded. “We are just going to have to keep sneaking out then, won’t we?”

Danielle hadn’t said anything, just nodded.

“I thought we’d look at this together,” Henry continued, pointing to the journal. “We haven’t much time.”

“Yes, you are right,” Danielle said, sitting beside him. She opened the journal on Henry’s lap and they both began to read.

Updated: June 2, 2002 — 5:47 am