To Have and To Hold Chapter 31

Chapter 31
It was early morning before sunrise and the next day. Laurent was on his way to deliver the note to Danielle when he quite literally bumped into Henry in the hallway of the castle.

“Gustave gave me this last night, Henry. He wanted me to give it to Danielle.”

“Yes, Laurent, I heard she was here. I was looking for her myself. Laurent noticed that Henry was clutching something in his right hand. It looked like a book, almost like a journal.

“I have to find her,” Henry continued, “I have to show her something in this..” He stopped as they passed by a window. There she was, sitting outside in the garden.

Henry smiled. “There she is, Laurent. She’s awake. I have to go down to see her.”

And without an explanation, he ran from Laurent’s side and left him holding the note.

He ran down the steps as fast as his feet would carry him.

“Danielle,” he called as he ran. “Danielle, wait.”

Danielle heard the shouts and turned around. “Henry,” she whispered and walked toward him.

They met halfway. Henry stopped and looked at her. He didn’t understand what this feeling was, but he knew it was something special. He felt his heart pounding so loudly that he could hardly hear himself think. He had almost forgotten what he came to tell her.

“Wait,” Danielle said, turning around. “Look, Henry, out there on the horizon.”

Henry turned and watched as the sun rose slowly in the sky. “It’s beautiful,” he whispered.

Danielle nodded. “Have you never seen the sun rise before?” she said, laughing.

“I guess I have never been up this early in the morning,” Henry said, turning to her. She was looking at him and smiling.

“Was there a reason you came looking for me? We slept in the guest quarters last night, you know.”

“Yes,” Henry said. “I just found out, not too long ago. My father told me.”

“I’m sorry I fell asleep, Henry,” Danielle said. “I know you wanted to speak to me.”

Henry smiled. “Yes, Danielle. Yes I did, but I fell asleep as well. It was all that digging in the mud until four the other night. I guess it just got to me.”

Danielle nodded. “And me, too.”

They both laughed, then Henry became serious. He held out the journal.

“I have something to show you in here, Danielle,” he said, “and we’ll probably have to visit Gustave in his studio as well.”

“Why?” Danielle said, “what does Gustave have to do with this?”

“That painting,” Henry said, still holding out the journal. “That painting is a portrait of your mother, Nicole de Lancret.”

[ Edited by susan on 2002/6/15 2:16:16 ]

Updated: June 17, 2002 — 3:34 am