To Have and To Hold Chaps 23 – 24

Chapter 23

“What do you think you are doing with her?” Henry asked, when he reached the top.

Danielle looked at him. “Henry, please, he is..”

“And what exactly do you mean by that?” Jean Claude asked.

.”You know exactly what I mean. Keep your filthy hands off of her.”

“Henry, listen…”

Monique had followed Henry up to the top of the hill.

“What are you talking about?” Jean Claude asked, getting angry now. “And who the hell are you to her?”

“I am her best friend,” Henry said, “that’s all you need know. The rest is none of business.”

“Leave my step brother alone, you bully,” Monique cried, pushing Henry out of the way. “He hasn’t done anything.”

“Hasn’t he? He has gotten Danielle up here to do whatever he wants to do with her.”

He turned to Jean Claude. “Step brother?” he asked. “Monique is Danielle’s cousin? So I ask again: who is Danielle to you?”

“Henry, please, listen to me,” Danielle cried, “Jean Claude has done nothing. I was the one…”

Henry still wasn’t listening. “Jean Claude?” he asked. “Is that your name? Well, you just better listen to me, and stay the hell away from her.”

Jean walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar. “And her best friend? Seems like a little more to me than that.”

Henry’s face got red. He brushed over Jean Claude’s hand as if it were a fly. “It is none of your business right now. Now you tell me what you are doing up here with her or else I will…
Jean Claude interuppted. “Or else what? What will you do to me?”

“YOUR HIGHNESS, PLEASE!” Danielle screamed. She was angry and her voice was filled with tears. “I brought him up here to show him the beautiful view.”

Henry turned. She knew that would get his attention.

“Your Highness?” Jean Claude repeated, only softer.

Monique nodded. “He is Henry, the future King of France, my brother and will be officially crowned Prince when he reaches his eighteenth birthday.”

But Henry wasn’t paying attention to them. He was looking at Danielle with an angry frown.

“And you let me go on like that?”

“I tried to tell you, Henry, you just weren’t listening.”

Henry looked at her, then at Jean Claude. He smiled. “So you are her cousin, is that it?”

Jean Claude nodded. “Only by marriage, Your Highness,” he said.

Henry shook his head. “No, it’s too formal and it’s not official yet. I am just Henry to all of you.”

He looked at Danielle. “You and your family are expected at five, Danielle. I will see you then.”

Henry turned on his heel and walked back down the hill. Danielle just stared after him.

Chapter 24

Henry pulled out the journal when he returned to the castle. He was going to read it, but he was too angry and he threw the book on the bed and stood up. He walked over to the window and looked out before deciding that he wanted to sit outside on the turret. He often went there to think and when he wanted to be alone. No one usually found him up here.

How could Danielle shame him like that in front of everyone, especially Monique? Who did she think she was anyway? And what was he trying to do, living up to his parent’s ideal woman for him? Well, maybe Danielle wasn’t the answer after all. Perhaps his parents had been wrong. Monique had changed, that was obvious.

It was also obvious that Danielle liked this Jean Claude or who ever he was to her. She took him up to their private spot, told him things that he was not supposed to know. She shared their ultimate secrets with him. That wasn’t right. He didn’t do that with Monique, did he?

Perhaps I did, Henry thought as he mulled over what happened this afternoon. Maybe I should apologize to Danielle. I really do not know why she dragged him up there. I didn’t even give her a chance to speak or ask me questions. I just jumped to conclusions. I should straighten this whole thing out with her before she comes here. How would it look, everyone friendly except Danielle and I. Why, that’s exactly what that Jean wants. He wants her. Well, so do I and I refuse to give her up; I have feelings for her and…

Henry stopped. Why should he be the one to apologize to her? He always went to her, didn’t he? Well, for once, if she cared for him, she would go to him. Yes, that was the only way, if she went to him. He was convinced that this was right. And why couldn’t he be interested in Monique. She was only twelve. They had plenty of time before the two of them were supposed to marry. What would anyone care?
And what if he was to call the whole thing off?

He suddenly got tired and sat down, leaning his body up against the cold stone wall.

And he instantly fell asleep.

“Henry, our guests have arrived. Please come down.”

Henry woke up and turned. He hadn’t heard his mother coming up the stairs for him. She always knew where he went to hide.

“I will be down directly, Mother,” he said.

Marie nodded. “Anything wrong?” she asked.

Henry smiled. “No Mother, not just yet, but if anything does happen I will be sure to tell you. Do not worry.”

But Henry knew better than that. He knew that she would worry and ask him more questions.

Updated: June 10, 2002 — 4:08 am