The Truth about Everything Chaps 11 & 12

Chapter 11

“Well,� Nicole said, after hearing the bells chime twelve times, “they should have been here an hour ago.�

“I realize that,� Marie said, standing up. They had arrived early, an hour early to be exact, and had been no one, not a single soul. Not even a messenger or courier to let them know where the men were,

“This is ridiculous,� Nicole said, frowning. “Where could they be?� She was looking forward to seeing Auguste again since last night to tell him the truth about all this, but it seemed that the two hadn’t come after all.

“Maybe we should stand and wait for them, Nicole.� Marie said, turning to face her friend who was still sitting.

“Oh, but why stand? So they can see us clearer. I am sure we’d be fine. Besides, I am famished.�

Marie nodded and sat back down. Nicole was right, she had just been wasting her time.

“Well, then, we should eat a little something. Those pastries sound wonderful.�


Auguste and Francis never made it, not on time anyway. They sat watching them under the brush of a big old oak tree.

“Well, Your Highness, what next?� August said, frowning. “What kind of crap is this? If we don’t do it now, we never will.�

“Then be my guest, Captain de Barbarac.� He looked at Marie, then back at Auguste. “I just can’t do it right at this moment.� Francis turned back to her as the two of them finished a pastry. “Do you think that I could ever love this woman?�

“Well, there is only one way to find out, isn’t there? Try Francis, don’t be afraid. If it is meant to be, it will be.�

Francis was still looking at Marie. The two of them were talking and laughing now. “It will be anyway, Auguste,� he said, “no matter if it was meant to be or not.� He looked at Auguste now. “Besides, what do I say to her?�

“Those words will come, my old friend, never fear.� Auguste smiled and clapped him on the back. “No go, I have business to conduct elsewhere,� he said, looking at Nicole.

He stood up, dusted himself off and walked out a little way, just far enough away so Nicole couldn’t see him, but he could keep his eyes on her.

Yes, he thought, the deception was over. It was time to straighten everything else out. He turned a little and looked toward the tree. Francis was still sitting there, his eyes still on Marie. Well, he thought, turning back to Nicole. He didn’t care what Francis did. He was going to go out there and tell Nicole the truth, even if it killed him.

Chapter 12

Nicole and Marie were giggling so loud that they did not hear or see anyone. They weren’t really expecting anyone to show up and they were surprised when someone did.

“Hello ladies,� he said, walking out of the woods, “I hope that I am not imposing in any way.�

Nicole stood up, obviously in a daze. Marie was trying to get her to sit down. “No, of course not, Captain, not at all.�

“Aren’t we missing someone?� Marie chimed in. She stood up as well.

But Nicole and Auguste were not listening, they were busy staring at each other.

“Well,� Marie said, “I guess this is it, isn’t it?� She waited for an answer, but she never got one.

“Well, then, I think I’ll just walk out a little ways and see what I can see.�

Well, the game was up, they obviously knew the truth, Marie thought as she made her way into the woods. So then, pray, why did she get so angry about this deception. It was over, all of it. Or so she thought.

She turned to watch the two of them, still staring at one another. She backed up into the oak tree, tripped on what she thought was a branch and fell.

Right into Francis’ lap.

“Hello,� he said, looking in her eyes when she picked her head up.

Marie, who was too startled for words, scrambled upwards. She stared at him, then backed away.

“Hello,� she said, swallowing hard not knowing what to do next.

Updated: August 2, 2002 — 3:38 am