“”Return of The King”” Gets Parodied in the First Internet Parody!!!!!

Finally it’s here! The Net’s first parody video of the “”Return of The King!”” We actually shot the “”Eye of the Ring”” a 15 minute parody to the Lord of the Rings series last year, it’s finally edited, and is bound to amuse, entertain, and make you wince at its pure craptitude. According to writer/director Peter Jenkings “”This short film is meant to be a goof, a joke, a parody, if you will, besides it’s a fantasy, it doesn’t have to make sense!””

We did this out of love, and now without further adieu, click the link below to watch it. Of course any story or editing faults will be fixed for the Extended Edition DVD.[url=http://eclipsemagazine.com/tvshow/eyew.wmv]CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE EYE OF THE RING!!![/url]

Updated: December 23, 2003 — 1:28 pm