MTV’s Movie House?

Anyone watch this? Thoughts and opinions?

I just discovered this show, and it’s ok, but it has some of the standard MTV elements that makes me not like it and is an example of why I don’t watch MTV. It just seems so “artificially hip”, like it’s Madison avenue’s idea of what “hip” is. Everything from the “slang” to the clothes to how they do their film screenings seem fakey and artificial to me.

Although I love that concept of filming people at screenings, I’m going to have to start doing that when we sponsor screenings. But anyway, it looks stupid when they have everyone running into the theaters clapping loudly and cheering before they even enter, and then when they show the crowd in the theater “wincing”, “covering their eyes”, etc, and cheering at everything. It all just seems so fake and staged.

Now granted I only have DC Screening crowds to judge by.

Updated: June 21, 2002 — 10:50 pm