With Rogue One: A Star Wars Story looming in the near future, LucasFilm has released a series of character portraits/posters of the film’s key characters – framed in the greenish light from a transparent light board.
Besides Jyn Orso (above), there are posters for Baze Malbus, Bodhi Rook, Cassian Andor, Chirrut Îmwe, K-2SO, Orson Krennic and Saw Gerrara. Check ’em out after the break (double click on images to embiggn).
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be in theaters on December 16th.
- Baze Malbus
- Bodhi Rook
- Cassian Andor
- Chirrut Îmwe
- K-2SO
- Orson Krennic
- Saw Gerrera